5 Ways Middle Schoolers Can Practice Courtesy this Summer - Flagstaff Montessori Cedar Campus

5 Ways Middle Schoolers Can Practice Courtesy this Summer

Middle schoolers don’t exactly have a reputation for being the most polite. However, that doesn’t...

What Are Some Popular Kindergarten-Age Activities for Rainy Days?

Kindergarteners love to play outside. When rainy weather hits, they can quickly become bored and...
Top 3 Engaging Language Activities Appropriate for Elementary School - Montessori elementary school - Flagstaff Montessori Switzer Mesa Campus

Top 3 Engaging Language Activities Appropriate for Elementary School

Elementary school is a time for life experiences (both inside and outside of the classroom)...
How Does Positive Social Etiquette Begin in Preschool - Montessori preschool - Flagstaff Montessori Sunnyside Campus

How Does Positive Social Etiquette Begin in Preschool?

If you’re like most people, you may not think that “well-behaved” and “preschooler” belong in...
4 Reasons Why Outdoor Time Benefits Middle School Students - Montessori middle school - Flagstaff Montessori Cedar Campus

4 Reasons Why Outdoor Time Benefits Middle School Students

Spending time outdoors is essential for all students, especially middle school students. Middle school is...
5 Examples of How Montessori Preschool Works for Kids with Special Needs - Montessori preschool - Flagstaff Montessori Westside Campus

5 Examples of How Montessori Preschool Works for Kids with Special Needs

Montessori preschool is a type of early childhood education based on Maria Montessori’s philosophy, which...
How Are Leadership Skills Taught in Elementary School - Montessori elementary school - Flagstaff Montessori Switzer Mesa Campus

How Are Leadership Skills Taught in Elementary School?

The world can always use more leaders, and it can especially use more leaders with...
4 Ways to Handle a Picky Preschool Appetite - Montessori preschool - Flagstaff Montessori Sunnyside Campus

4 Ways to Handle a Picky Preschool Appetite

Nothing can really prepare a parent for the seemingly arbitrary nature of their preschool child’s...
Montessori Kindergarten

What Kind of Activities Take Place in a Montessori Kindergarten?

Choosing where to send your child to kindergarten is a big decision that is deserving...

4 Critical Reasons for Boosting the Self-Esteem of Middle School Kids

There may not be a more difficult time in childhood than middle school. As your child...

5 Practical Life Experiences That Are Perfect for Elementary School

Children who are enrolled in a Montessori elementary school will take part in age-appropriate practical life activities...

How Can I Prepare My Child for Attending Preschool for the First Time?

The first day of preschool is an eventful one. As a parent, you probably feel...