4 Reasons Why Outdoor Time Benefits Middle School Students - Montessori middle school - Flagstaff Montessori Cedar Campus

4 Reasons Why Outdoor Time Benefits Middle School Students

Spending time outdoors is essential for all students, especially middle school students. Middle school is...
5 Examples of How Montessori Preschool Works for Kids with Special Needs - Montessori preschool - Flagstaff Montessori Westside Campus

5 Examples of How Montessori Preschool Works for Kids with Special Needs

Montessori preschool is a type of early childhood education based on Maria Montessori’s philosophy, which...
How Are Leadership Skills Taught in Elementary School - Montessori elementary school - Flagstaff Montessori Switzer Mesa Campus

How Are Leadership Skills Taught in Elementary School?

The world can always use more leaders, and it can especially use more leaders with...
4 Ways to Handle a Picky Preschool Appetite - Montessori preschool - Flagstaff Montessori Sunnyside Campus

4 Ways to Handle a Picky Preschool Appetite

Nothing can really prepare a parent for the seemingly arbitrary nature of their preschool child’s...
Montessori Kindergarten

What Kind of Activities Take Place in a Montessori Kindergarten?

Choosing where to send your child to kindergarten is a big decision that is deserving...

4 Critical Reasons for Boosting the Self-Esteem of Middle School Kids

There may not be a more difficult time in childhood than middle school. As your child...

5 Practical Life Experiences That Are Perfect for Elementary School

Children who are enrolled in a Montessori elementary school will take part in age-appropriate practical life activities...

How Can I Prepare My Child for Attending Preschool for the First Time?

The first day of preschool is an eventful one. As a parent, you probably feel...

Montessori School of Flagstaff middle-schoolers take educational camping trip

The Montessori School of Flagstaff’s Cedar Campus recently took their middle schoolers on an educational...

How Are Practical Life Skills Incorporated into Montessori Kindergarten?

Every day at a Montessori kindergarten is a new opportunity for children to practice practical life skills...

4 Early Math Concepts Appropriate for Montessori Preschool

If you have a child of preschool age, it might be difficult to imagine them...

Are Preschool Expenses Tax Deductible?

Saving money wherever possible is just part of being responsible, but sometimes necessary expenses, even...