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The 5 Most Popular Activities That Promote Community Involvement for Middle School - Flagstaff Montessori Cedar Campus

The 5 Most Popular Activities That Promote Community Involvement for Middle School

Character development is an important concept for Montessori middle school children. Becoming a good citizen of the world means noticing the needs of others, having empathy and compassion for them, and taking action on their behalf. Providing sixth- through eighth-grade students with opportunities for community involvement should be a strategic move toward their holistic development. […]

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How to Keep Your Child’s Learning Retention Up During Summer Break - Flagstaff Montessori Westside Campus

How to Keep Your Child’s Learning Retention Up During Summer Break

Are you concerned about your Montessori preschool child losing the progress they’ve made this school year during summer break? If so, you’re not alone. This often concerns parents, but you can take action to prevent it. With a little extra time on your hands, you can incorporate learning opportunities into your everyday life and activities.

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4 Exciting Ways to Combine Nature and Math in Montessori Kindergarten - Flagstaff Montessori Sunnyside Campus

4 Exciting Ways to Combine Nature and Math in Montessori Kindergarten

Young children are constantly discovering the world around them. And quite often, nature fits beautifully into elementary school lesson plans. For decades, kindergarten and preschool students have enjoyed things like seed germination activities in their science lessons. But can anything similar apply to the realm of mathematics?  As it turns out, the answer is yes!

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3 Magical Science Project Ideas for Montessori Middle School - Flagstaff Montessori Cedar Campus

3 Magical Science Project Ideas for Montessori Middle School

If you’re a Montessori middle school guide, you know it’s important to help children learn advanced scientific concepts while engaging them in the joy and wonder of discovery. Because the Montessori method focuses on hands-on learning, you can use magical science experiments to accomplish that goal.  If you’re looking for some ideas, here are three

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4 Great Ways to Promote Montessori-Style Learning at Home - Flagstaff Montessori Westside Campus

4 Great Ways to Promote Montessori-Style Learning at Home

Many parents champion the Montessori method because it fosters independent learning and allows children to develop their natural curiosity.  Although Montessori classrooms are great, it’s important to note that the learning doesn’t stop once a child leaves for the day. Creating a prepared environment in the home is crucial in allowing children to freely explore

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Why Does My Son's Kindergarten Refer to Chores as Practical Life Experience - Flagstaff Montessori Sunnyside Campus

Why Does My Son’s Kindergarten Refer to Chores as Practical Life Experience?

From a very early age, the Montessori method focuses on helping children become independent and self-reliant. These are not merely buzzwords. They are traits that contribute to success in the real world. Fostering a sense of independence means allowing children to gain practical life experience through classroom activities. In turn, more self-reliant students make critical

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4 Easy and Exciting Critical Thinking Activities for Middle School - Flagstaff Montessori Cedar Campus

4 Easy and Exciting Critical Thinking Activities for Middle School

As your middle school student continues along their educational journey, critical thinking becomes an increasingly important skill for them to master. One of the best ways to sharpen critical thinking skills — for people of any age — is to practice specific exercises that are centered around the Montessori style of education. Here are four

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