November Community Connections

Sunnyside PreSchool Community Service Project

sunnysideOn  community connection Friday, November 2nd, a group of students from the Montessori Middle School went to the Montessori Sunnyside Pre-School. There was a lot of work to be done there. We went through piles and piles of clothing making sure that all the children had an extra pair of socks, undies, a long sleeve shirt, and warm pants. Only about six students had all the clothing.  If they had too much clothing or were missing something we had to staple a note to the bag of clothing  saying that they needed to bring some things home or they needed to bring home one of the clothing items.

micah sweepingWhile we were sorting through clothing the other students were sweeping the leaves off the playgrounds. There were a lot of leaves and they did a very good job of making it look nice.  Speaking of the playground, once the little people were outside it was hectic. I don’t know how many time I heard “don’t climb the  outside of the structures!”.  The teachers worked hard to keep the students safe.

We also cut out pictures from National Geographic magazines. They used these pictures and glued them on paper and the children wrote a story about the picture.

The overall experience was very cool. It felt good to do something for the community that actually had an impact. And that place did need some help. Everybody at the Pre-School greatly appreciated our work. That is what we did for community connections Friday.

—Katie, Seventh Grade Student

 Cedar Closet Thrift Store Community Service Project

The following is an excerpt from a letter the students received from Suzanne Golub,  Cedar Closet Manager regarding their November 2nd Community Connection outing:

I had a very hard time keeping ahead of you, and in the end, ran out of jobs. I am accustomed to working with older volunteers who share your enthusiasm, but lack your energy.  Thank you for hanging, steaming, and getting clothing out onto the sales floor, for cleaning glasses, carrying boxes, sorting out ski boots, and putting together Christmas trees.  

I can’t begin to tell you just how much your labors are appreciated. We hope that you will return to us on one of your future community service days…….

 Salvation Army Thrift Store Community Service Project

salvation army


On the second of November, I went over to the Salvation Army, and participated in community service with my school. I enjoyed the experience because I was able to learn some things about the business and socialize with friends. When I was at the store I tested lights so they could be sold and used for the Holidays. After we were done with the lights, we went on to price tagging the other products. Price tagging the merchandise was fun. I learned that in order to have a successful business, you must have devoted and nice workers.

Sean, Eighth Grade Student

When the students returned to the Middle School, Ms. Larson led a discussion on why we perform community service and  how it makes each of the students feel.  They also brainstormed possibilities for future trips.  The students expressed why certain community service projects have special meaning to them.